Die storie op News24 raakgelees

Dis uit Steve se mond:


Wat my nou so bietjie omellie is die feit dat die koerante / media eerste hiervan geweet het.  Hy het vir maande nou al ‘n paar oorvalle / aanvalle gehad as gevolg van die (onsensitiewe) media en hy vertel hulle eerste voor hy die bom laat val op die blog!  Ek laaik dit niks.


Ek sê nie die man skuld ons enigiets nie, maar daar is sekerlik ‘n etiek gekoppel aan so iets.  Baie van ons het hom en sy blog nou vir ongeveer twee jaar in ons huise, kantore, ens gehad as deel van ons eie internet ondervinding en dis hoe hy ons laat weet?

A nee a!

Verjaarsdae, herdenkings, belangrike datums

Hi julle.

Ons wil graag ‘n bladsy wy aan belangrike datums soos byv verjaarsdae, herdenkings en watter datums ookal van belang is vir elkeen van julle.  Ons wil graag erkenning gee aan elkeen en jou belangrike datum in jou en jou maat se lewe. Epos asb die inligting aan epos op die werf. 

Asseblief kan ons nie almal poog om Die Werf ‘n groot sukses met lekker lag, simpatie, huil en vrede te maak nie.



Stuur na diewerf@live.co.za



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Ouens.  Moet my seblief nie verkeerd verstaan nie.  Ek stel bitter min belang in propoganda en nog minder glo ek daarin om ‘n nasie of ‘n groep mense “fear” die hart in te slaan.  Ek het die mail vanmore in my box gekry van ‘n ou vriend af.  Die artikel was geplaas deur ‘n buitelander…Ek dink daars ;’n paar spelfoute wat ek in die eerste deel probeer regmaak het maar eerder besluit om dit daarvandaan te los in die vorm wat dit by my opgedaag het:

Orange Free State, South Africa — The African dawn cried out with a radiant blaze of red and orange pastel strokes along the horizon. The Coetzee farmstead basked in the light of the emerging morning like a gleaming pearl and golden mielie fields swayed in the soft Orange State breeze.
“It’s paradise, isn’t it?” South African farmer Kobus Coetzee asked WorldNetDaily, marveling at the peaceful sunrise. “I am the fourth generation to farm this land, and Lord willing, there will be another five generations after me.”
WorldNetDaily observed a full day of back breaking labor on Coetzee’s farm and was treated to a proper braai of lamb, an Afrikaner staple. Many Afrikaners also make a strong drink called “mampoer” from fermented peaches and other ingredients.
However, Coetzee’s hopes for the future are threatened by the low intensity warfare being waged against the Afrikaner people by radical blacks of the “Azania People’s Organization” or AZAPO.
There are 40,000 white farmers in South Africa. Over 1200 have been brutally murdered since 1994 – the year the Marxist African National Congress, backed by the United Nations, European Union, Russia, China and the U.S. State Department, took power.
Add to this another 6,000 attacks and the white Boer Afrikaner farmer is easily the highest at-risk murder group on Earth. The ANC has responded to this crisis by blaming whites and putting a ban on crime statistics because they scare off foreign investment.
“I won’t hold my breath waiting for Oprah to call, or Jesse Jackson, Jimmy Carter or Al Sharpton,” Coetzee told WorldNetDaily.
“It’s politically correct to kill whites these days. What is so strange is the fact that we white farmers feed the black population. But look at Zimbabwe. The black leaders have engineered a famine against their own black citizens. It’s as if it’s all part of some horrible ‘master plan.’ Apparently getting blacks to starve blacks to death doesn’t really bother anyone in the Western world.”
To the north, Zimbabweís Marxist dictator Robert Mugabe has liquidated the nation’s white farmers with illegal land siezures and torture, rape and murder.
“The world community has stood by and done nothing,” says Aletta Kloppers, Coetzee’s closest neighbor. “So we have no choice but to defend ourselves.”
Kloppers explained how rogue blacks broke into her farmhouse and tried to rape and rob her family, which includes four teenaged daughters. Many of the killings of white farmers include the torture, rape and mutilation of women, including small children, toddlers and even babies.
“Fortunately my husband and I were able to use our firearms to drive them off of our land. But they will be back,” she told WorldNetDaily.
Kloppers said that she hired a martial arts teacher to work with her family on hand to hand combat and knife fighting.
“Our daughters are beautiful yes, but they are tough too,” Kloppers said. “You won’t see the Afrikaner children in tattoos, gang clothes, riddled with diseases and their bodies filled with holes. We are Christians and we will fight for Christian civilization. We know who are enemies are in the mass media, those who would destroy the minds and bodies of our children. When the war finally comes in this country and through the Western world, the cultural elites will be the first to be confronted.”
“We Afrikaners are a fair and decent people. We are glad Apartheid is over and we are ready to embrace change,” farmer Kalfi Van der Wat told WorldNetDaily. Van der Wat collects antique automobiles and stores them on his farm west of Johannesburg.
One of the latest problems facing South Africaís farmers is that some of the farm killings appear to be drug related. South African Police told WorldNetDaily that Pakistani’s have bought up several farmers after the white owners were killed and began planting poppies of Central Asian origin.
“South Africa’s dirty little secret, well, there are many dirty secrets here, is that we are the transit point for 25 percent of the world’s drugs,” South African policewoman Debbie Botha told WorldNetDaily.
South Africaís farmers, frustrated with an apathetic government that actually seems to “cheer on the killings of whites” says Van der Wat, have turned to a variety of options in dealing with the crime wave.
One option is the creation of private security companies, staffed by former elite special forces operators of the now defunct South African Defense Force. The SADF drove out Cuba and the Soviets from Angola in the 1980’s and is known to have produced some of the world’s finest soldiers.
Several groups of farmers have sought the help of Executive Outcomes, led by former Apartheid-era SADF Special Forces members. EO is the world’s largest, private mercenary army and has fought in Angola, Sierra Leone, Papua New Guinea and in other nations as well.
Yet despite their best efforts, the killings continue.
“The radical blacks hate us, because we are strong, blonde, hard working and productive. We came to South Africa and turned it into the richest country in the world, while before we came, the locals had been here for many centuries and did nothing with the land,” Coetzee told WorldNetDaily.
Added Kloppers, “The farm invasion problem is not only confined to South Africa. Look at Zimbabwe. Look at the call for white Australians to give their land back to the Aborigines. Look at the problems on the border with Mexico and the United States, and as massive Third World immigration in Europe. European, Western Civilization is totally under siege by the New World Order elite. But we are strong and smart and we will survive as we always have.”
“We are strong and rugged and we will survive. We have fought the communists and the United Nations globalists for decades. We know their tactics. I can assure you there is indeed a plan for a Third Boer War, down to the last detail. It wonít take much to cripple South Africaís cities and water supply I can assure you. People are angry and ready for war. We have seen our women and children raped and killed. Sometimes a war is the only answer to your problems. Remember, the great Boer prophet Seer van Rensburg has prophecized that the whites will again come to rule in Southern Africa.”
Meanwhile in South Africa, last week Cape Talk radio interviewed a interviewed a Zimbabwean Reuters reporter and broadcaster who has been granted ex-white farm land. His name is Reuben Babwe. In defending himself, he told the Cape Talk interviewer that the same thing is being done in South Africa and that he knows what is really going on with farm repossession in South Africa. The interviewer asked him whether he meant the farm murders here are part of the repossession drive and he said yes. Babwe said that South Africans are “sitting on a powder keg.”


Sien een van die dae verjaar ek.  Almal het altyd die gewoonte om goed te koop wat ek nie wil he of ooit sal gebruik nie.  By Pappa soek ek ‘n “eternity” ring.  Hom sommer Saterdag oggend saam gesleep juwelier toe, maar nou is die vraag, het hy die skimp gevang.  Of tref skimpe net varke.  Ek raak sommer bedonnerd, want dis wat ek soek.  Niks anders nie.  Ek vermoed ek sal hier erg moet konkel vir daai skimp om hom te tref.  Nou die ander familie.  My ma het die beste “knack” om ‘n geskenk te koop wat ek nooit sal gebruik of dra nie, maar ek waardeer dit regtig.  Ek bere dit forever.  Wat doen ek, stuur ek lysie en se wat ek soek of gaan ek konkel konkel deur die verjaarsdag moet gaan.  Maar o my donner, gaan ek upset wees as ek self daai ring vir my moet koop.  Eish.

Bad of Stort

Na ek gedink ek sou vanmore diep depressed en lekker innie k@k gewees het, was dit toe nou nie so erg nie.  Jy sien die ding is so.  Ek hou daarvan om dinge te doen en dit dadelik te doen.  Mens koop nie teels etc en laat dit 3 maande le en wag tot iemand besluit dit moet nou gedoen word want die tyd is reg nie.  Na so 2 weke se deurdenkte opsies besluit ek dis nou hoe dit is en dit moet gedoen word.  Gister toe kap hulle al die ou teels af en nou staan die fan en blaas die mure droog.  (Nou daai droog blaas affekteer die voorportaal se muur ook en man is ek noual op met daai muur).  More kom sit hulle die nuwe teels in en seel die mure behoorlik.  Maar Pappie het nie geweet hy gaan gisteraand by die huis kom en daar is nie stort in die en-suite nie.  Eish.  Man en gisteraand is hy juis nie lekker nie en ek drop sommer die bom, maar ek vererre vir myself erg.  Maar ek hou my koel, want eks mos ‘n goeie vrou en GLADNIE ongeduldig nie. 

Vanmore moet Pappa in die ander badkamer gaan stort.  Klaar gestort.  Ek besig met broodjies vir hom.  (Maak nogals bleddie lekker broodjies want eks mos effe in die stront en soek DALK witvoetjie).  Vra ek so ewe:  “Werk die ander stort darem nog reg?”  Ek wag in spanning vir die hou om te val, maar al wat ek gese word is: “Ja, dis nogals goed om te weet”.  Tsk.  Bleddie man.

Ja man, ek weet is nou lang aanloop, maar ek besluit toe nou om vanmore te bad vir die eerste keer in maande.  (Ja toe ek stort want die stort is mos en-suite.)  Was dit nou lekker, vol skuimpies en die water vuurwarm.  Toe dink ek mos nou terwyl ek in die bad is, is bad ongesond of hoe.  Ek weet hulle se stort gebruik baie minder water.  Ek dink nie hulle weet hoe lank stort Pappa nie.  Wat dink julle?